
Today there was a special meeting in Kyle, SD. Beautiful Lakota people came to the Senior Citizen's Center and joined three discussions about trusting the Creator, having courage and when the Earth will finally be made right again.

There were families with dogs. (No, really, four dogs. They were cute.) There was an artist and music performer. There were grandmothers and grandfathers. There were some from in town, Kyle, SD. There were some from near the Black Hills. There were some from Standing Rock reservation. (Thank you, Sister, for driving so far!) But, all in attendance were overcomers each in our own way...

Proverbs 24:16 says, "For the righteous one may fall seven times, and he will get up again."

Loss is very hard to deal with, but when you come from a place where there is much poverty and oppression... where you don't have much to start with... loss is overwhelming. The pain is so great that you find it easy to self-medicate with whatever is around - alcohol, marijuana, meth, etc.

This weekend I met two beautiful ladies who have experienced traumatic losses this year. Both subsequently relapsed into using again. ... Both came to the special meeting today looking gorgeous! When we were discussing King David's words to the then Prince Solomon, "Be courageous and strong and go to work," they could relate. (1 Chronicles 28:20)

I also met a Sister who is dealing with big - I mean, BIG - issues. There she was traveling over 100 miles to see old friends and meet some brand new faces... yep, that's me. ;-)

Overcomers took other forms, as well. A fine young lady from the Denver area roved microphones today. I was assistant to another lovely lady from near Yankton. We made sure all had songs, magazines, and tracts for the weekly Bible study in Lakota. The Brother who was to give the talk was taken to the hospital yesterday. The Brother who was Chairman came even though he's to have his gall bladder removed this week. The Sister in a wheelchair who read for the Bible study came with her mom, though her Grandfather was in the hospital with pneumonia. The Brother who gave the talk, lead us in WT study and Bible study sat the whole time due to his heart condition.

This weekend we met and re-visited fine folks who have overcome community violence, abuse, oppression, poverty, etc. People who are going to school. People who are going to work. People who are learning skills. People who are recovering from addiction. People who are overcoming suicide attempts, whether their own or someone they love. People who are mourning suicide, vehicular deaths, or other violent or traumatic losses.

Overcomers... overcomers... In spite of obvious evil forces that did not want a special meeting in a special place today. Overcomers.

The Creator wanted it to happen today, therefore it did. We are all witnesses.

Kyle's Little Wound School.
